Ms. Bhupali Saikia

Assistant Professor

Corporate Laws, Laws of insolvency, Corporate Finance & taxation, Research Methodology and IPR

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Name: Mrs. Bhupali Saikia

Designation: Assistant Professor of Law

Area of Interest: Corporate Laws, Laws of insolvency, Corporate Finance & taxation, Research Methodology and IPR

Qualification: BA.LLB (H), NEF Law College, LL.M (Business and Corporate Law), Gujarat National Law University, Pursuing PhD, Gujarat National Law University

  1. Research Paper titled as “Role of NCLT in proposed FSDR Bill” in LEXFORTI LEGAL JOURNAL (ISSN: 2582-2942)
  2. Research Paper titled as “The role of the judiciary with relation to custodial death in India” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (ISSN: 2279_0837)
  3. Conference Publication titled “Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment Protection: A judicial Prospective” in National Conference Law and Justice, Auro University.